Stasi prison July 21, 1985
“Lunch” is the biggest joke!
Totally mouldy bread.
Rancid margarine.
I can’t eat this!
2 slices for everyone.
“If you don’t eat it, I will!”
Well, I’m used to not eating.
It seems that they’ll leave me alone.
Maybe its the prospect of getting my “food”.
The elder guy has been in and out of jail all his life.
“This time it’s 17 years - I used the axe.”
I cannot comprehend - at all.
This prison, I learn, was used as the central death penalty execution prison in the country.
The last execution took place 4 years ago. A guy got shot in the neck.
“Political prisoner. You guys have it rough.”
Does this actually earn me respect among the criminals?
In the past they used the guillotine here.
Downstairs they say.
The prison in Kästner Strasse Leipzig was used as the central death penalty execution place in East Germany. Next to murderers and other criminals the Stasi excuted political prisoners here between 1960 and 1981. Execution were carried out by guillotine until 1967. This method was replaced by a single shot into the back of the head. It is reported that the prisoners were led into a room and got shot from behind without prior notice.
I’m not sure if I should be more scared about them or this place or the food that might kill me.
I decide to experience these days like a movie.
Starting tonight - with nightmares.
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.