No §219
Stasi prison May 29, 1985
Baby Schubert starts the day with an announcement.
§219 is dropped!
Copy from my Stasi files. On 29 May the district attourney informed the court of the decision not to pursue §219 under which they would have charged me with at least another 3-4 years for: "illegal collaboration with a foreign power".
Apparently protecting my friend had worked.
And leaving the purpose of the 3pager entirely to their judgement worked as well.
If I would have created and dedicated the 3-pager manifesto for the purpose to seek help in the West: different story.
So, §214 it is.
Not sure about the trespassing.
But that one looks really stupid any way you look at it.
I might be out of here in under two years after all.
Baby Schubert becomes all administrative again.
“So, when is my trial going to take place?”
"25 of June.”
“And then?”
“You’ll see.”
“So, you’ll slam a couple of years onto me and the West will ransom me in a year.”
“How do want to know? I wouldn’t bank on it!”
“It’s what you guys do, isn’t it: Sell us.”
That piece he doesn’t like.
The rest of the day continues with paper preparations.
I just hope this will be over soon and I can take on the next stage.
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.