The big fat ugly Stasi makes a mistake?
Stasi prison May 14, 1985
Today is fun.
All about me hating THEM.
Baby Schubert doesn’t get it.
This is from Baby Schubert's handwritten interrogation script. I obtained it in the early 90's from my Stasi file.
Early in the process Baby Schubert wrote down his "personality judgement" on me:
- relatively intelligent
- only says what he wants or thinks he should say
- won't recognize his guilt
- thinks he has a right to freely select a living location
- firm opinions about society
- thinks he can't develop here as he wants
- inflated thoughts about personal development
- believes that he will get "his dreams" in the West
In the first two lines of his notes he writes that "the convict has wanted to go to the West for quite some time without any activity."
Stunningly this ignores the fact that I was convicted of trying to escape to the West in 1980. Obviously Baby Schubert didn't do his homework.
He reads his handwritten notes.
We go through all this again and again.
I never get tired to tell him why I want out.
“You suffocate people’s free will and development. You incarcerate opponents. You showed me what this whole system is made off back in 1980!”
“Oh, C-O-M-M-O-N!!!”
This is really frustrating.
Do I really need to get into this?
“You know darn well what happened 1980 dammit!”
“Help me out.”
“Ah, yeah, you ask the questions and I get to tell stories. Fuck that!”
“I really don’t know what you are referring to.”
Can this be?
“When I had enough of your bullshit and tried to get out the first time?!”
Baby Schubert is irritated.
“Can you explain?”
“You don’t want to tell me that you don’t know!”
What the hell?!
“Wow! The great ugly, scary Stasi don’t have their act together?”
Now something really funny happens…
Baby Schubert is losing it!
He calls off the session and gets me back to the cell.
What a day!
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.